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QR Codes And NFC In Bookstores

Submitted by WilletAlrick on 2012-05-08 and viewed 614 times.
Total Word Count: 539

As books have become digital in the last couple of years, the next priority is to digitalize the bookstores  and increase the sales.

As books have become digital in the last couple of years, the next priority is to digitalize the bookstores  and increase the sales.

Bookstores have to improve the purchasing process and integrate QR Codes and NFC chips in order to reduce the number of lost sales.  

Among the other discoverability technologies, in the near future we will see touch screens, NFC chips and QR Codes in the bookstores and will use them for purchasing e-books and to build  customer loyalty with those who like to read on paper.

If a particular book is not available at the time, the bookseller will be able to print a QR Code and offer the customer the possibility to purchase the digital or the paper version online.

Many authors have already included QR Codes on their covers or inside the book and some of them added audio or video content to improve the reading experience.

The NFC chips can provide many opportunities within libraries and bookstores.

Barnes & Noble plans to feature NFC chips into their e-readers and would ship each copy of a hardcovered book with an NFC chip, so the customer have to touch the book and will get instant access to information about the author, the book, special offers, videos and reviews.

The promotional use is not the only advantage of these technologies, they can revolutionize the way we purchase, read and discover books. For example, if you read a book review in a newspaper and want to purchase it after that, you should simply scan the QR code and a mobile site will provide an online purchase experience and if a paper version is desired, the website will show you the nearest bookstores where you can pick it up.

With NFC chips and QR Codes, the users will be able to order books at any time only by using their smartphone.

Bookstores, newspapers, libraries and magazines will soon realize the possibilities that these technologies are offering and will also boost marketing and book selling strategy.

In April, the Catalan Railways placed QR Codes on their trains linking them to the first chapter of popular books, so the citizens can download and read it during their commute. The posters included 40 book titles from Spanish and translated authors.

Similar campaign took place in the Netherlands, offering the passengers short stories to read, depending on their travel time.

Art galleries and museums are already using the technology and people are responding very well to it, as the codes provide extra information, specific visits and books on the artists or the exhibition.

The Miro Foundation in Barcelona adopted the technology by linking QR Codes to Wikipedia articles that are giving additional information about the particular work.

Philadelphia Airport is also hosting artworks and uses QR Code technology encouraging travelers to scan and learn more about the artist and their works.

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